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In the summer of 1965, a small group of Episcopalians attended services at the Edward Dropper vacation home,  north of Port Washington, where Fr. Victor Bolle, Vicar of Christ Church, Whitefish Bay, WI was also vacationing. Holy Eucharist was conducted at “Silver Crest,” the Droppers’ home on several successive Sundays.

Early History

Photo of a plaque that lists the names of Founders of Saint Simon the Fisherman Episcopal Church in Port Washington

In February, 1966 Fr. Lorry Trayser of St. James Church in West Bend began conducting services, on a regular basis.  The services were held in the Port Washington homes with Episcopal Church connections. Attendance had grown to 35 worshipers, requiring a larger space. This led to early Sunday evening services at the Masonic Temple.  Fr. Paul Eaton of Milwaukee and Fr. Allen of Mequon substituted for Fr. Lorry Trayser as needed.

Sharing the Warmth of God's Love, Worshiping in the Historic Christian Tradition, Casting Our Nets for New Life in Jesus Christ

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